Your Health
CoronaVirus Covid-19 home warning signs for people with respiratory, immune compromised, cancer and other high risk medical conditions to inform and warn guests and services to be extra cautious with visits, solicitation and deliveries.
With concerns over the Coronavirus & the disease Covid-19 and in particular with those with complex health issues, we wanted to enable a useful home warning sign to place near your door. These signs politely informs guests and services of a respiratory, immune system, cancer, elderly or other issue that will raise the risk for infection from this virus. Thus allowing the visitors/services to know to drop anything at the door, or make other arrangements. These are not just for Coronavirus in the USA, but also can be used worldwide. We have included the original Adobe Illustrator file, so they can be modified for customized content or into other languages. These signs are high resolution and set to print clearly on a letter size 8.5” x 11” paper from a home printer. Best wishes to you and your family.
– The LoyalShops Team